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When people think of golf, they rarely think of it as a contact sport. And in truth, it isn’t. There isn’t anyone trying to tackle you or guard you. If anything, it’s one of the few sports that allowed for social distancing before it was a global trend. Yes, it’s true that the game isn’t as intrusive as others. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t need golf muscles!

There are actually a number of ways you can still incur injury if you aren’t careful. You can of course expect to be winded and a little fatigued by the end if you’ve had a good game. A little soreness never hurt anyone! But the same can’t be said for a sprained ankle, a pulled back muscle, or worse. No one wants to be limping away from the game. Walk away victorious and healthy with some of the following physical considerations.


First and foremost, a good stretch is always recommended before any physical activity. This stops the little, or big twinges that can affect your overall enjoyment of the game. But even more than that, your form can have a major impact on your health. A bad swing can land you in some serious pain and set you back more than you care to be.

This leads us to the most concerning muscle group: the back. If you’ve gotten a golf injury, it was likely sustained by your back. As stated, this comes from an ill-positioned swing. Swinging too quickly can cause a bad twist in the area. And while the pain may begin in the back, there’s nothing to say it won’t spread and affect other things. Your neck, and so much more are at risk in these moments. This is especially the case when you’re working with existing afflictions.


Many often attribute poor elbow health to sports like tennis. It’s easy to see why too. The constant swinging and abrupt pressure from hitting the ball can get worse over time. Unfortunately, the same is true of your golf game. Your joints lack the proper lubrication, and thus mobility needed for the game. Forcing through it can cause lasting damage. You can fix this by investing in specially made clubs, as well as golf balls made of less dense material.

There are many other body parts to keep in good maintenance if you want a strong golf game. Your knees, for example, can take a major hit. Focus on a good swinging form, as well as how you are bending over when retrieving the ball. Your shoulders can also be affected. This kind of pain can bring your game to a screeching halt! It can also pose future problems as you’ll likely make poor adjustments. This being in an effort of over-compensation, though it will prove to do more damage than good! Last, you have your hands! Poor grip will get


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